
The Wick Trimmers Diary 2024


Wednesday 17 January

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, 


Entrance on the door is £10

See www.daveandboo.com


Wednesday 21 February

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends.

Free entry - donations gratefully received.


Wednesday 20 March

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest,


Entrance on the door is £10

See https://jakemorley.com/


Wednesday 17 April

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guesst,


Entrance on the door is £10

See https://jackinabarrel.co.uk/


Wednesday 15 May

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with Scots/English duo WINTER WILSON   Winter Wilson

£10 tickets on the door


Wednesday 19 June

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guest, PETE MORTON

Entrance on the door is £10

See https://www.petemorton.com/


Wednesday 17 July

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends.

Free entry - donations gratefully received.


Wednesday 18 September

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with PETE COOPER & RICHARD BOLTON

Entrance on the door is £12

See https://www.petecooper.com/cooperandbolton.htm


Wednesday 16 October

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with JACK RUTTER

Entrance on the door is £12

See https://www.jackruttermusic.com/


Wednesday 20 November

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with GARETH DAVIES-JONES

Entrance on the door is £12

See https://www.garethdavies-jones.com/


Wednesday 18 December

Chequers Folk Christmas Special  at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


The Wick Trimmers Diary 2025


Wednesday 15 January

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest, 


Entrance on the door is £10

See https://billywatman.com/


Wednesday 19 February

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends.

Free entry - donations gratefully received.


Wednesday 19 March

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests,


Entrance on the door is £10

See https://www.miltonhide.com/ 


Wednesday 16 April

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends.

Free entry - donations gratefully received.


Wednesday 21 May

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with duo DONNELLY & SOUTH

£12 tickets on the door

See https://www.donnellyandsouth.com/



Wednesday 18 June

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends.

Free entry - donations gratefully received.


Wednesday 16 July

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, CHARLIE DORE & JULIAN LITTMAN

with Charlie Dore and Julian Littman

£12 tickets (details tbc)

See www.charliedore.coom



Wednesday 17 September

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends.

Free entry - donations gratefully received.


Wednesday 15 October

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with virtuoso guitarist, CLIVE CARROLL

Tickets in advance £12 (details tba) or £14 on door if available

See   http://www.clivecarroll.co.uk


Wednesday 19 November

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with EDWINA HAYES

Entrance on the door tba

See  https://edwinahayes.com/


Wednesday 17 December

Chequers Folk Christmas Special  at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


The Wick Trimmers Diary 2023


Wednesday 18 January

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest, LIZ SIMCOCK

Entrance on the door is £10

See www.lizsimcock.com


Wednesday 15 February

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, MITCHELL AND VINCENT

Entrance on the door is £10

See www.mitchellandvincent.com


Wednesday 15 March

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 19 April

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, THE LOST TRADES

Entrance on the door is £10

https://www.youtube.com/thelosttrades  andwww.thelosttrades.com


Wednesday 17 May

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest, EDWINA HAYES

Entrance on the door is £10



Wednesday 21 June

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest, CRAIG JOINER

Entrance on the door is £10



Wednesday 19 July

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, DEVINES

Entrance on the door is £10




Wednesday 20 September

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest, CHARLIE DORE & JULIAN LITTMAN

Entrance on the door is £12

See www.charliedore.com


Wednesday 18 October

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with virtuoso guitarist CLIVE CARROLL with Dariush Kanani.


see http://clivecarroll.co.uk/


Wednesday 15 November

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guest band, CAJON BOOGALOO

Entrance on the door is £10



Wednesday 20 December

Chequers Folk Christmas Special  at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


The Wick Trimmers Diary 2022


Wednesday 19 January

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guests, UNION JILL

Entrance on the door is £10

See www.jacey-bedford.com/unionjill.html


Wednesday 16 February

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Thursday 10 March

Playing at a private event


Wednesday 16 March

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guest, PETE MORTON

Entrance on the door is £10

See https://www.petemorton.com/


Wednesday 20 April

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends, including Clive & Sue Carey

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Sunday 1 May

Playing at Othona Bradwell-on-sea

Essex Green Weekend



Wednesday 18 May

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guest CLIVE CARROLL

Tickets are £12 and are now available. Please email philippa.wallin@btinternet.com for details of how to book online. Any spare tickets will be available on the door. 

see http://clivecarroll.co.uk/


Friday 3 June

Playing at the Prestwood Jubilee Party on Prestwood Common


Saturday 4 June

Playing at the Platinum Jubilee Fete on the Buryfield, Great Missenden 4pm


Wednesday 15 June

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guests, THE PITMATICS

Entrance on the door is £10

See pitmatics.co.uk


Sunday 26 June

Playing at  Prestwood Area Community Transport (PACT)'s tea party supported by King's Church Prestwood  Prestwood Village Hall  3pm


Saturday 2 July

Playing at  Godstowe School's school summer fair 12pm


Tuesday 12 July

Playing at the Ballinger Village Hall for the WI evening to raise funds for the Hilltop Ukrainian Support Community 8pm


Wednesday 20 July

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 30 July 

Playing at a barn dance for Lighthouse, Great Missenden on the Buryfield,

Great Missenden with caller Geoff Chapman 


Sunday 14 August 

Playing at St Peter and St Paul's Cream Teas Great Missenden 3-5pm


Saturday 10  September

Charity Garden Party at Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  2-5pm in aid of Pills for Parkinson's Uganda and An African Dream.Tickets includes cream tea & drinks Adults £10 Children 3-12 yrs £5 via Eventbrite or on the gate (please bring cash) for more info rufumbira.lass@gmail.com


Wednesday 21 September

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with The Wick Trimmers and friends, including Fraser & Toots

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 8 October

Playing at a harvest barn dance at Little Gaddesden  Village Hall with  caller, Graham Chapman 


Saturday 15 October

Playing at barn dance for Farnhams and Hedgerley Community Church @ Farnham Royal Village Hall with our caller, Peter Lockett


Wednesday 19 October

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with singer songwriter, Elaine Samuels 

Entrance on the door is £10

see http://www.elainesamuels.co.uk/


Tuesday 8 November

Playing for BucksVision 2pm at Baptist Church, Princes Risborough


Wednesday 16 November

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guest, WILL POUND

Entrance is £12 (tickets in advance)

Please email philippa.wallin@btinternet.com for details of how to book online. Any spare tickets will be available on the door. 

see https://willpound.com/


Wednesday 21 December

Chequers Folk Christmas Special  at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!





The Wick Trimmers Diary 2021


 Wednesday 20 January  Postponed to November


Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, DAVE ELLIS AND BOO HOWARD  www.daveandboo.com

£10 tickets on the door


 Wednesday 17 February  Cancelled 

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


 Wednesday 17 March   Postponed to January 2022

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guests, UNION JILL

Entrance on the door is £10

See www.jacey-bedford.com/unionjill.html


 Wednesday 21 April  Cancelled 

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


 Wednesday 19 May  Postponed to October

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special Scots/English duo WINTER WILSON   Winter Wilson

£10 tickets on the door




 ****** Sunday 18 July  ******

We are delighted to announce a folk concert featuring HONEY & THE BEAR as our first guest musicians in over a year!

 at The Barn, Lloyd's Wines, Upper Warren Farm, Hampden Road, Prestwood, HP16 0JL  The Wick Trimmers will be opening the concert at 4pm. Doors open from 3.30pm. Tickets £10 in advance or £12 on the door (if available). Tickets from Prestwood Post Office (cash only) or email philippa.wallin@btinternet.com to pay by bank transfer. 

The barn is open ended and large and the bar is outside. Even though this is virtually an open air gig (apart from the all-important roof!), Covid measures will be securely in place - 50% capacity and social distancing. Feel free to bring nibbles (but no drinks to be brought in please). Parking on-site. 

See https://honeyandthebear.co.uk/


Sunday 25 July

Playing at 'A Taste of Lighthouse' 

Buryfield, Great Missenden 2-5pm Free entry (wet weather plan in action! - memorial hall, marquees etc)


Saturday 4  September

Charity Garden Party at Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  2-5pm in aid of Pills for Parkinson's Uganda and An African Dream.Tickets includes cream tea & drinks Adults £10

Children 3-12 yrs £5 via Eventbrite or on the gate (please bring cash)


See https://www.gofundme.com/f/pd-treatment?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1 

and https://www.aaduganda.org/


 Wednesday 15 September

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 16 October

Providing the musical entertainment for Prestwood Gardening Society's Harvest Supper at Prestwood Village Hall


 Wednesday 20 October

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special Scots/English duo WINTER WILSON   Winter Wilson

£10 tickets on the door


 Wednesday 17 November

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, DAVE ELLIS AND BOO HOWARD  www.daveandboo.com

£10 tickets on the door


 Wednesday 15 December sadly this has been cancelled due to concerns over Covid

Chequers Folk Christmas Special

  at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm Free entry - donations gratefully received!






The Wick Trimmers Diary 2020


Wednesday 15 January

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest, LIZ SIMCOCK

Entrance on the door is £10

See www.lizsimcock.com


Wednesday 19 February

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 29 February

Playing for a village event, Kimble Folk,  2.30pm at St Nicholas' Church, Great Kimble. All welcome - tickets £7.50 adults, £2 children


Wednesday 18 March Cancelled 

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guests, UNION JILL

Entrance on the door is £10

See www.jacey-bedford.com/unionjill.html


Saturday  21 March   Cancelled

Playing at barn dance with  caller, Peter Lockett, for Holmer Green Evening WI  @ Holmer Green Village Centre HP15 6XG  7.30pm


Saturday 28 March Postponed 

Playing at barn dance with  caller, George Rivas, for the 41 Club in aid of Chilterm Music Therapy  @ Great Kingshill Village Hall 7.30pm


Saturday 4 April Postponed 

Playing at private barn dance with  caller, Helen Peters, in Amersham 7.30pm


Wednesday 15 April  Cancelled 

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 20 May  

Chequers Folk Online with HONEY & THE BEAR 8-9pm via this link:


See https://honeyandthebear.co.uk/


Wednesday 17 June  

Chequers Folk Online with John and Caz Devine 8-9pm via this link



Sunday 28 June Cancelled 

Playing at   PACT's (Prestwood Area Community Transport) Tea Party supported by King's Church Prestwood at Prestwood Village Hall  3pm


Saturday  4 July Cancelled 

Playing at barn dance at Seer Green 7.30pm


Friday 10 JulyCancelled 

Playing at barn dance with  caller, Helen Peters, for Great Marlow School 7.00pm


Wednesday 15  July

Chequers Folk Online with Liz Simcock 8-9pm via this link:


See www.lizsimcock.com


Friday 24 July

Wick Trimmers playing at Hill End Holidays (Oxford Mencap) 4pm


Friday 31 July

Wick Trimmers playing at Hill End Holidays (Oxford Mencap) 4pm


Friday 7 August

Wick Trimmers playing at Hill End Holidays (Oxford Mencap) 4pm


Friday 14 September

Folk & Wine tasting at The Barn, Lloyd's Wines, Upper Warren Farm, Hampden Road, Prestwood, HP16 0JL   4-8pm Entrance £5 (and £5 for wine tasting) pre-booking please with philippa.wallin@btinternet.com

Music by  The Wick Trimmers and duo, Nightcall.

COVID-safe event. The barn is open ended and massive, audience socially distanced. Chairs and bar provided - bring your own picnic/nibbles. Plenty of parking. 


Wednesday 21 October Postponed 

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests THE HEMLEY HILLBILLIES

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 18 November Postponed

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, MITCHELL AND VINCENT

Entrance on the door is £10

See www.mitchellandvincent.com


Sunday 13 December Cancelled 

Playing at  PACT's (Prestwood Area Community Transport)  Christmas Tea Party supported by King's Church Prestwood  at Prestwood Village Hall  2pm


Wednesday 16 DecemberCancelled 

Chequers Folk Christmas Special  at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


The Wick Trimmers Diary 2019

Wednesday 16 January

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, DEVINES

Entrance on the door is £8. See johndevinemusic.com/devines


Saturday 9 February

Barn dance - playing for a private birthday party 2.o0pm @ Prestwood Village Hall with caller, Peter Lockett.


Wednesday 20 February

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm


Wednesday 19 March

Playing for BBOWT Chiltern Group at The Memorial Centre, Great Missenden

Wednesday 20 March

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with guests, Fraser & Toots. 

Free entry - donations gratefully received!

See www.ragnrollmusic.net


Wednesday 17 April

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 15 May

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, TANIA OPLAND & MIKE FREEMAN, on tour from USA.Entrance on the door is £10

See www.opland-freeman.com


Sunday 2 June 

Playing at The Big Lunch on Prestwood Common (12 noon onwards)


Wednesday 19 June

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Sunday 23 June

Playing at  Prestwood Area Community Transport (PACT)'s tea party supported by King's Church Prestwood  Prestwood Village Hall  3pm


Wednesday 10 July

Barn dance - playing for end of term school function with caller Helen Peters


Wednesday 17  July

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with bluegrass band, Papa Truck

Entrance on the door is 

Find them on Facebook or YouTube 



Saturday 3 August 

Playing at barn dance for Lighthouse, Great Missenden on the Buryfield,

Great Missenden with caller Geoff Chapman 


Saturday 7 September

Playing at barn dance at Holmer Green Baptist Church 5-8pm to celebrate their 150th anniversary with our caller, George Rivas 


Saturday 14 September

Playing at a private event. 4pm 


Wednesday 18 September

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!

Saturday 5 October

7.30pm Playing at barn dance for St. Michael's church, Hughenden with caller, Helen Peters @ Hughenden Valley village hall.

Sunday 13 October 7pm

Barn dance -playing at a private birthday party @ Wendover


Wednesday 16 October

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guests, Clive and Sue Carey

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 20 November

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest, LEE COLLINSON

Entrance on the door is £10

See www.jacey-bedford.com/leecollinson.html


Sunday 15 December

Playing at  PACT's (Prestwood Area Community Transport)  Christmas Tea Party supported by King's Church Prestwood  at Prestwood Village Hall  2pm


Wednesday 18 December

Chequers Folk Christmas Special  at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Tuesday 31 December 

Playing at Prestwood’s New Year’s Eve barn dance with guest caller, Madeleine Smith, @ Prestwood Village Hall  organised by Prestwood Events Group. Tickets

available from Costcutters, Prestwood and Samways, Great Missenden 





The Wick Trimmers Diary 2018


Wednesday 17 January

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree with guests, Fraser & Toots.


Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 17 February

Playing for a private birthday party 2.30pm @ Little Kingshill Village Hall


Wednesday 21 February

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 24 February

Playing at barn dance with our caller, George Rivas, for St Peter and St Paul's Church @ The Oldham Hall Great Missenden 7.00pm

Tickets available from The Parish Office (862352)


Sunday 25 February

Playing at Prestwood Area Community Transport (PACT)'s tea party supported by King's Church Prestwood @ Prestwood Village Hall  2.00pm


Wednesday 21 March

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 14 April

Playing at barn dance with  caller, Peter Lockett, for Holmer Green Evening WI  @ Holmer Green Village Centre HP15 6XG  7.30pm


Wednesday 18 April

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm featuring guest musicians  Clive and Sue Carey

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 16 May

Chequers Folk 8-10pm at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED with guest musicians Dave Ellis and Boo Howard www.daveandboo.com

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Sunday 3 June 

Playing at The Big Lunch on Prestwood Common (12 noon onwards)


Wednesday 20 June

Chequers Folk featuring percussion and handpan virtuoso, Josiah Elias

At The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED


Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Sunday 24 June

Playing at  Prestwood Area Community Transport (PACT)'s tea party supported by King's Church Prestwood  Prestwood Village Hall  3.00pm


Saturday 7 July

Playing at barn dance for Taplow WI with our caller, George Rivas,

7.30pm - 10.30pm @ Institute Hall, Institute Road, Taplow, SL6 ONS


Friday 13 July

Playing at Malt The Brewery's Trumped Up Friday between 5.30 and 8pm @ MALT Collings Hanger Farm, 100 Wycombe Road, Prestwood, HP16 OHP


Wednesday 18 July

Chequers Folk

At The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED


Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 21 July

Playing at 'Music on the common' @ Holmer Green Common for the Holmer Green Village Society at 4.30pm


Saturday 4 August 

Playing at barn dance for Lighthouse, Great Missenden on the Buryfield,

Great Missenden with callers Val and Ian McFarlane.


Wednesday 19 September

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 6 October

2pm playing for an entertainment at the MS Society (High Wycombe and District branch) 

@ Hughenden Valley village hall, Coombe Lane, Hughenden Valley, HP14 4NX.


7.30pm Playing at barn dance for St. Michael's church, Hughenden with caller, Helen Peters @ Hughenden Valley village hall.


Wednesday 18 October

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 21 November

Chequers Folk at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm with special guest, guitarist ROBB JOHNSON

Entrance on the door is £8.


Wednesday 19 December 

Chequers Folk Christmas Special  at The Barn, Cherry Tree Farm, Missenden Road,  Great Kingshill, HP15 6ED  8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Monday 31 December 

Playing at Prestwood’s New Year’s Eve barn dance with guest caller, Madeleine Smith, @ Prestwood Village Hall  organised by Prestwood Events Group. Tickets available from Costcutters, Prestwood and Samways, Great Missenden (or phone 01494 866439)





The Wick Trimmers Diary 2017

Wednesday 18 January

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree


Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 15 February

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 15 March

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 19 April

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!

This month we welcome Fraser and Toots


Wednesday 17 May

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree with The Dovetail trio 8-10pm

Tickets available.


Sunday 4 June 

Playing at The Big Lunch on Prestwood Common (12 noon onwards)


Saturday 10 June 

Playing at barn dance with our caller, George Rivas, for Road Farm Countryways @ Road Farm Great Missenden with special guest Isla St Clair 

Tickets available http://www.roadfarmcountryways.com/news


Wednesday 21 June

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree


Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 1 July

Playing at barn dance for Farnhams and Hedgerley Community Church @ Farnham Royal Village Hall with our caller, George Rivas.


Wednesday 19 July

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Saturday 29 July 

Playing at barn dance for Lighthouse, Great Missenden on the Buryfield,

Great Missenden with our caller, George Rivas.

Tickets available https://www.lighthousemissenden.org.uk


Sunday 6 August

Playing at a charity family fun day at Magnolia Park, High Wycombe

(starts at 1pm)


Wednesday 20 September

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!

This month with duo David White and Peter Cross, and Megan Lee joining with The Wick Trimmers on violin.


Saturday 7 October 

Playing for a barn dance for the Chiltern Music Academy at John Hampden Grammar School, High Wycombe at 6.30pm with our caller, George Rivas.



Saturday 14 October

Playing for the Prestwood Gardening Society’s Harvest Supper at Prestwood Village Hall


Wednesday 25 October

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Wednesday 15 November

Chequers Folk at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!

This month we are very pleased to welcome singer/songwriter Liz Simcock

Do visit www.lizsimcock.com


Wednesday 20 December

Chequers Folk Christmas Special at The Chequers Tree 8-10pm

Free entry - donations gratefully received!


Sunday 31 December 

Playing at Prestwood’s New Year’s Eve barn dance with guest caller, Madeleine Smith, @ Prestwood Village Hall  organised by Prestwood Events Group. Tickets available from Costcutters, Prestwood and Samways, Great Missenden (or phone 01494 866439)


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